Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 2, 2012
WE PROMISE ONE ANOTHER / NGUYỄN DU / Don Luce introduced ...
We promise one another /
poems form an Asian war .
American military and political leaders could also have profited from reading Nguyễn Du 's
' Calling the Wandering Souls ' . It would have help them to realize the intense alienation that refugee programs cause . No people like to be moved from their homes , but for Vietnamese it is specially painful , for to leave their homes , but for Vietnamese it is especially painful , for to leave their homes means also to leaves the graves of one's ancestors . Vietnamese believes that it is important to be close to the graves of one's ancestors . Vietnamese believe that it is important to be close to the graves of their ancestors , so they can tend to them and offer prayers that their dead realtives may rest in peace . People who die before they have a family and have no one to look after them in dead and have no fixed grave are objects of great pity . These are the unfortunat
" wandering souls " that Nguyễn Du calls to in his poem . In Việtnam where so many people die young with no families of their own , where one third of the population has been moved at last once , and where soi many families of their own , where one third of the population has been moved at least once , and where so many families have been split up , there are many wandering souls, and the Vietnamese worry about them and pray for them as Nguyễn Du did so many years ago .
( Don Luce 's note )
In this seventh month the rain is endless ,
The cold prenetates into the dry bones
The autumn evening is mournful and sad ,
The reeds are livid , the leaves of plane-trees withered ,
In the twilight the birch trees are drooping ,
The pear trees shrouded in mist .
Whoever can remain unmoved ?
If the world of the living is so sad ,
Much sadder must be the world of the dead .
In the utter darkness of the eternal night ,
Appear , lost souls , like will-o'-wisps , reveal your presence !
O poor being , creatures of the ten categories ,
Your abandoned souls are roaming in strange lands !
No incense is burning for you ...
There were those who pursued riches
Who lost appetite and sleep ,
With no children or relations to inherit their fortunes ,
With no ones to hear their last words .
Riches dissipate like passing clouds .
Living they had their hands full of gold ,
Departing from this world , they could take with them
no single coin .
At their funeral , hired mourners feigned sorrow ,
The cheap coofins were hastily taken away in the night .
Losts souls , they roam the flooded fields
Without any offering of incense or water .
There were those who sought academic honours leading to high places ,
To the cities they went , forsaking their native land .
But do arts and letters always bring success ?
One day they lay sick in a roadside inn,
Without the love and care of their families .
Dead , they were hastily buried ,
Far from the dear ones ans the ancestral land .
In an abandoned burying ground they lie ,
Their lonely souls wander ,
Without being honoured by any offerings .
There were those who sailed on rivers and oceans ,
To remote places , blown by the East wind ,
A storm midway sent their ships to the boottom
And they dissappeared into the sharks' bellies .
They were those who engaged in trade ,
Their shoulders aching under the load of merchandise .
They died of exposure , far from home ,
Their souls now wander along the roads .
There were those who , comscripted ,
Left their families for the service of the king .
Taken the distant lands ,
They lived life of privations and sufferings .
In war - time human lives are so cheap ,
With sword and fire sowing death .
Their roaming will - o' -the wisps , apparitions
of their lost souls .
Make the scene still more mournful .
There were those who spoiled their lives ,
Selling their charms and smiles .
Abandoned by all when youth was gone ,
They had no husbands or children to support them .
In their life nothing but humiliation and sufferings ,
After their death , only offerings from kind strangers.
Pitiable was the fate of these women ,
Such was their destiny , no one knows the reason .
There are those who spent their lives begging ,
Sleeping under bridges , on the ground .
Yet , like others , they were human beings .
They lived on charity and now liein the roadside graves .
There were those victims on injustice ,
Year after year they languished in jail .
Dead , they were buried somewhere near the prison wall .
For their shroud , only a tatterred rush mat .
Will their innocence ever be revealed ?
There were the babies born in an unaususpicious hour
Who lived only a few moments .
There 's nobody now to carry them in her arms ,
And heart-rending are their feeble cries .
There were those who lives were cut short
By drowning , falling from trees or into wells ,
Those who were washed away by strong currents ,
Who perished in fires ,
Who were devoured by wolves or crushed by elephants .
There were those who gave birth to still -born babies ,
Who died from miscarriage , or from severe wounds .
Struck by fate midway on the path of life ,
They followed each other to the other world ,
Each with a different destiny .
Where are they now , those lost souls ?
Somewhere they are hiding , maybe among the trees ,
Maybe in the grass or in the bushes ,
Or they are wandering aimlessly
By the roadside inns or under bridges ,
Or they seek shelter in temples and pagodas .
Maybe they are hauting markets or riverbanks
Or the barren lands , the knolls or the bamboo groves .
Misery was their lot in lifetime ,
In the cold their corpses are now withering .
Year after year exposed to wind and rain ,
On the cold ground they lie , sighing .
Ay dawn , when the cock crows they flee ,
Only to grope their way again when night comes .
( from WE PROMISE ONE ANOTHER - poems from an Asian war - selected, translated and introduced by DON LUCE , JOHN
The Indochina Moblie Education Projct - Washington , D.C 1971)
( p 10 - 14 ) .
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