Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 5, 2012

poem from prison , a poem by thảo giang .

we promise one another - poems from an asian war -
don luce , john c. schafer & j. chagnon  selected , translated...

                        p o e    f r o m    p r i o n
                         a poem by thảo giang

O n  a cold evening,  mourning clouds hang at the prison door,
My mother came to visit,  her hair whitened by time .
Mother,  I weep and stay awake through the night
Ny body blackened with bruises .

H ere is the  bottle of oil that you sneaked to the guard ;
Here is the handful of rice I opened at midnight
Which you brought after a day's wait in the sun
To visit your child in the dark prison.

T he night is almost over,  pink clouds are rising ;
In my heart I fell the flag of the nation
And now interrogation time, the most cruel time
More beatings , and more blood .

' Testify'  the beasts stare at me 
Coaxing and forcing surrender ,
My body is blackened by beatings
My flesh is slashed by the whips .

M other,  my blood is the ink to write you
This letter on  a night of rain
Hoping to see my brother and sister at the doorstep
The day I escape from the traitorous bars ,
The clink of the shackles breaks the silence of night ;
The frightened shouts,  the cry of a man in agony ,
Thwe burning - red iron ,  the bloody wounds on the flesh ,
'Testify ! Quickly !' the lashes tear at my heart .

U ncooked rice, dry salt, and water
I swalow my tears.  My stomach aches at night ,
Mosquitoes and insects attack me fleshless body ,
Under my pale skin, blackened bruises stare out .

O n a cold evening,  mourning clouds hang at the door ,
From the cells come the echos ;
Mother ,  I am struggling with my faithful friends ,
Pressing our pride and courage to the last breath .


(  from  We promise one another - poems from  an Asian war , selected, translated ... by
Published by The Indochina Moblie Education Project, Washington, D,C, 1974   -  p :   99-101)

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